Activities carried out in the field of health

  • Awareness campaign on HIV / AIDS in schools;
  • Teacher Training in IEC / BCC (Information Education and Communication / Communication for Behavioral Change) in Sexuality Education and Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI);
  • Sensitization and training of opinion leaders on STI / AIDS (behavior at risk, prevention, communication);
  • Capacity building of UNAIDS structure members on the psychosocial care of PLHIV, DSF in reproductive health;
  • WHO on the process of negotiating  and by COADEP on the cycle and management of development network;
  • Fight against STIs, abortions and unwanted pregnancies;
  • Combating stigma and discrimination of people living with HIV (PLHIV);
  • Sensitization of community leaders, girls and students on early marriage and early pregnancy;
  • Fight against the spread of STIs-HIV / AIDS;
  • Celebrations of World AIDS Day;
  • Mass sensitization in rural areas on STI-HIV / AIDS;
  • Training of girls on reproductive health;
  • Distribution of condoms in kiosks, bar, hotel schools, places of passage …;
  • Training and sensitization of school and out-of-school youth on STIs and HIV / AIDS;
  • Psychological care of PLHIV;
  • Referral of youth to health units for screening and treatment of STIs.

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